Adding Fullcalendar to your application with Laravel Mix


***important - Do not attempt to complete the following blog post without first having set up npm and laravel mix. A good description of how to do this is in this post*** Once you are using Laravel mix to keep your plugins organised you will want to use it everywhere. Earlier we demonstrated an [...]



Adding a Star Rating system to your application - Step 1 - Generating BREAD for Star Ratings


Many modern web-based software application are heavily dependent on star rating systems. In a typical scenario users in an online marketplace for a product or service have the ability to rate the product, service or their experience. As more and more ratings are added the "wisdom of the crowd" takes over. Where there are many [...]



Adding a Star Rating system to your spplication - Step 2 - Putting the Foreign Key in the Flow


When building a system based on a reltional database developers are challenged to deal with all the foreign keys. In the Getting Started section we scaffolded the bookings table and auto-generated the create.blade.php view which allowed us to create new bookings. The challenge with this screen is, with two foreign keys, it led to confusion [...]



Adding a Star Rating system to your application - Step 3 - Selecting which Court to Rate


On the courts page where there is a list of courts there are a number of things we can do each court. So far these options include show, edit and delete. These options work by passing the courtid selected by the user to the through the url to the relevant controller function. The respective controller [...]



Adding a Star Rating system to your application - Step 4 - Adding the Star Rating component


When we first contructed our Laravel tennis club application we used Composer the PHP dependency package management system. This downloaded Laravel and a whole range of third party packages on which Laravel depends. We then added the Infyom generator, and the packages on which depends - also using Composer. Later when we used FullCalendar, the [...]

